Nessun Dorma
Released in 1995, another classic and popular recording from the Orpheus featuring many songs new to the repertoire, and an impressive choral performance of Puccini's famous aria Nessun Dorma.
Track Listing
- Men of Harlech
- I dreamed a dream (Les Mis)
- The wonder of you
- Divine Brahma (Pearl Fishers)
- I still call Australia home
- I'm gonna sing
- God be with you
- Pererin wyf (Amazing grace)
- Mor fawr wyt ti ( How great thou art)
- Think of me ( Phantom of the Opera)
- God's choir
- Invictus
- Unwaith Eto 'Nghymru Annwyl
- Soon ah will be done
- How soon
- Nessun Dorma
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