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Un Ydym Ni - We Are One
Launched on April 18th 2015 at the Choir's 80th Annual Gala Concert,
the CD features 18 tracks, some familiar favourites alongside new choruses and songs. Great value for £10. Also available for MP3 download.
the CD features 18 tracks, some familiar favourites alongside new choruses and songs. Great value for £10. Also available for MP3 download.
Track Listing
- Razzle Dazzle
- Y Tangnefeddwyr
- Steal Away
- Nella Fantasia
- Si Ridesti
- Benedictus
- A White Sport Coat and a Pink Carnation
- Gwahoddiad
- Eli Jenkins' Prayer
- I am Australian / I still call Australia home
- Where could I go but to the Lord?
- African Trilogy
- The Lord is my Shepherd
- World War One Medley of songs
- Can't Help Falling in Love
- The Impossible Dream
- How Soon
- World in Union